Hmm, lets talk about ytd, went to meet marylyn n amos for lunch 1pm at mac, n as usual amos was late, he told us he cant find his white shoe, when he come is alreasy 1.45pm n we are going to school already, so we took off n went to school. We went to the AVA room n sit for awhile then Mr Ong came in n give his speech, he say that all of our subj did better then the national average which is good but then for us n the teachers is not good enough. I got my result n wasnt good 2As, 4Cs. My teachers say its was ok but to me is bad. After giving out all already we stay in the AVA to talk with Mr Tan n dicide where should we held our gathering at, n we decided to held it at tampines sakura to eat. So we tell those who wan to go to meet 5.30pm at mac with zhirong while, aihwa,gavin,yizong,daniel n me Mr Tan drove us there, then we told other we take taxi, hahaxx. We meet Mr Tan 6pm at school so i go home take a bath n then go back school to wait, we waited for everyone to come n then we set off which is already 6.30pm, when Mr Tan driving halfway he say he dunnoe where is the place so we have to check the map n we found it. When we reach there, most of them have reach also le, so we counted 15 at first when we book the place then 2 more people sudddenly come so we walk in n then start eating. While eating we start talking about joke all this. After awhile more, huimin,kelvin,yang,nick n thomas join us eat n play some games. After eating we stay outside n dicuss where we wan to go but cant deicide so we stuck there for a long time n dicuss. We decided to go to bus interchange n say so Mr Tan drove some to the interchange n some way to AMK. When we take bus 969 we still cant decide where to go n aihwa suddenly msg say he wait for us at mac as she dun wan go home so late We meet her at mac then start to dicuss where to go n some say wan go chamber play the package from 12am-8am for 10bucks. so i follow them go play till 3plus n then me n zhirong go yizhong house to meet aihwa n him to slack a while at his house then at round 6.15 we went home. i went home i take a bath n then went to sleep till 2plus wake up eat lunch n then i rest awhile then go back sleep till 7plus n eat n then use com. Our science students did well for our N levels n Mr TanTS say wan treat us go eat so we meeting him on mon 1pm at woodlands MRt to eat.. Thxx Mr TanTS :D.