Nting to post
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ntin to post recently, n veri sianz. jus to update my blog so my blog is nt dead... Will update more soon.. tataxx...
5/27/2009 10:41:00 PM
My exam mark totally sux to e core...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Took at Nepal, Btw pervious random pictures oso from Nepal, slowin puttin on e pictures...
Haiz, did nt did well this tym, mayb cos of lazyness but i ned to concertrate this tym round as 'N' level is comin liao.. Lets say bout my marks...
English: 103/140
Maths: 54/100 (Really did badly)
Science: 61/100 (Mr Tan say is harder then 'N" level so can pass well for 'N' level)
CPA: 88/110
Chinese: 19/20 (1 mark to pass liao, but alrdy new tat i am gonna fail it)
D&T: 14/50 (Dun noe y but always cant focus on D&T, nvm i will try my best)
Overall of my marks, veri, super, duper nv do well...Lets dun tok bout exam liao Mon went to sch as per normal tk my science paper all this, tue same tk bak science paper, ytd watch scary movie 4 wow waitin for Amos to come bak to do our listenin exam (tink oso nv do well ba)... Science go trogh paper n many ppl been send to outside... Then sometin happen...
We:Mr Tan, ur captain (Gavin) brin rong, he go brin volume, RED card
Captain (Gavin): I whr gt brin rong bk, correct ma, volume 2...
We: No, u say mus brin volume 1 nt 2...
Mr Tan: But i dun remember sayin mus brin volume 1 say...
Captain (Gavin): ah, u c, teacher whr gt say...
We: Gt lor teacher u forgt liao la, u say mus brin volume 1 le, u still repeated 2 tyms wors...
Mr Tan: I ask captain for advice, so hw captain???
We: Cher nt fair lor, he nv brin volume 1 of cos sure will say nvm 1 wat...
Mr Tan: Tinkin... Ok then either u brin volume 1 or 2 i will appect...
We: But nt fair to us le, we nv brin straight RED card le...
Me: Then use this method lor, every1 hu brin volume 1 bk show Mr Tan.. Then 8 ppl raise up e bk...
Mr Tan: Tat means i gt say la, n show RED card to Thomas, Nick n Gavin...
Captain (Gavin): Wa, sabo lor...
WE: laugh
Then after doin was to watch show bout sea tingny i tink... Then Mr TAn say: Erm, bad news i jus brin e CD cased. Nvm, we watch youtube then... blah BLAH BlAh.
2day was late for sch, mum wake me up at 7.45am, u dun ned go sch meh??? Then me ask wat tym n my mum reply 7.45am, oh shit, faster go bath all this, n my mum pei me go sch cos she oso goin to wrk... Then write name go up every 1 was lyk wa prefect late ar, Mr Vic Tan ask, is u go wat late or u late, then i say late... After tat D&T, dun wan tok... ASM, super borin performance... After tat i went home bath n go fren hse play mahjong, n bak here i am bloggin...
Lazy Type Anymore liao, bbbbbyessss... SRxx for e long passage...
5/21/2009 04:22:00 PM
Yay exam finally is over....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Another Super Random Picture...
Yay, exam is over, can relax a lil liao, ytd gt CPA, can pass la but dun noe isit w flyin colours, thur hab science paper 2 it was ok jus tat many of us nv study so is veri hard for us, hahaxx... Then they say gt dance pratice at 1230pm, our whole class was lyk dun wan go la, we end at 9plus then wait till 12plus lyk a retard, so all of us did nt turn up... i go home n play dota 1 round then fren call go play mahjong then i went to his hse n play till 5 plus go home... Then go out again till 9plus come bak then blah blah n slp...
2day morin go do CIP at Toa Payoh thr, go visit e old aunty again, she is veri happy to c us, n again tell us to sit dwn pei her watch TV n tok can liao, dun wan us to clean anyting but her hse is quite clean oso... Then 1130 went dwn to find teacher, n was tokin wow waitin for other groups, hahaxx... Then went bak, Mr Tan tok a wow n then mus go aunty mather thr listen to e flag day, which i do nt wan to go but no choice... Then she tok n her hand n body movement a lil lyk Mr Chua... Then we wait for Mr Tan go eat, when he is rdy me, veron n ai hwa 2gether go dwn then Mr Tan: We 4 ppl rite tk taxi then...
Aihwa:Dun wan la, tk bus la...
Mr Tan: We 4 ppl mus as well tk taxi...
Aihwa: Tk bus better la...
Me: So whr r we goin???
Mr Tan:AMK???
All of us: Ok then...
Mr tan: Mus as well tk taxi better la, waste tym...
All of us: Ok then...
Tk taxi liao then go halfway, erm or we go bishan thr eat. Then tell e uncle to turn to bishan went thr. Eat, blah blah skip skip. Then went home n here i am...Lazy type liao, hahaxx, tata...
5/16/2009 06:19:00 PM
DNT confrim fail...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Another Super Random Picture...
Lets tok bout ytd, hab CPA pratical almost did nt do well cos left 10min i left 2 more question, but lucky chiong finsh, hahaxx, tink can pass la... Then classmates di siao, y u all stay bak ar??? cos some of us hab science after CPA... Science was ok la, nt veri hard still ok, but some question veri confused forgt which 1 is e answer, but overrall was ok la...
2day was DNT so many question dun noe hw to do, screwed up... But i alrdy noe my DNT will fail but tink i will fail veri badly... After DNT when home bath n then on com a wow then go slp till 2plus then i wake up, hahaxx... 2morrow is science again n is paper 2, veri scared cos sci paper 2 is harder, wish Mr Tan wun set so hard ba...
Lazy type liao, goin off... BBBBBye...
5/13/2009 10:50:00 PM
Srxx for nt bloggin
Monday, May 11, 2009
Super Duper Random Pictures, LOLXZ...
Srxx for nt bloggin as gt exam, hahaxx nting really special this wk, ntin to post oso... I bought a shoe, self design 1, for me it look nice, hahaxx... Still gt my name on it jus tat veri small only... I lyk it, goin out sure wear, hehexx...
Lazy type liao, tata... Will blog again soon...
5/11/2009 01:53:00 AM
AHHHH Mid Year Exam is here veri STRESS
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mid Year Exam is here, 1st i wan to wish all of u all pass w flyin colours... day ntin happen, was Mt watchin e moive, then was DNT Mr Lim thoery really will slp, then after recess is music tk tempeture watsed quite long n proceed to music room, play a wow then go to science n is revision again, was doin other schs wrk sheets n is after lesson stay bak till 2pm go oral, finsh n go home...
Lazy to type liao, wish every 1 gd luck.
5/06/2009 09:51:00 PM
Quite a fun day...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Srxx for nt bloggin for a few days cos lazy... 2day rainin so go bak class, then mrs sim was tokin so much say everyday must tk temperature cos of tat PIG FLU ( dun wan say swine flu )... Then 1 ting tat Mrs SIm say mk me happy, thr will b no morin ASM u all must go bak calss straight away, n me was lyk yay ( i noe i am a lil bit zi bi )... Was science, revisin those topic. English tookin bout oral, after recess english again, tokin bout oral again... Then was Maths was bullyin Gary, tink he from A cup to D cup liao, lolxz... After tat fun ting happen, frens start drawin on e board hu love hu, n this r e pictures....

Nice rite, hahaxx. Then after maths lesson go home bath then go fren hse, 6plus go home eat dinner n pop here i am... Goin study MATHS ( DEAD SOON COS OF MATHS ).... TaTa....
5/04/2009 08:49:00 PM